Oklahoma City, OK – On June 24, 2024, at 11:20 a.m., a male and female entered a jewelry store and requested to see engagement rings. The subjects began looking around and requested to look at a piece. The male subject flashed around some dollar bills in an attempt to distract the employee. Once the employee was assisting the pair, the male subject walked away. The female subject remained until she gained possession of the ring and at that time she fled the location. They were last seen driving away in what is described as a maroon four door sedan.
Subject 1- White female, early to mid-twenties, 5 feet with a petite build, reddish blonde hair wearing black and white croc style shoes. It should be noted she had bruising on face and arms.
Subject 2 – Black Male, mid to late twenties, 5’8 with thin to medium build, short hair and a scruffy beard with mustache, dark long sleeve sweats type shirt with white logo. Black sweatpants, wearing slides style footwear.
If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers Security Alliance at 212-687-0328 or jsa2@jewelersseecurity.org.