On 1/22/18, at approximately 6:14 p.m., two male subjects approached department store’s ring display on the store’s exterior wall. The first subject began striking the case with two hammers. The second subject acted as a lookout. When the subjects were confronted by store management, the second subject fled. The first subject attempted to strike the manager with a hammer and then fled. The first subject was described as a 5’7″ thin Black male. He was last seen wearing a Muslim garb and a black face mask. The second subject is described as a Black male. He is 6’0″ tall and has a thin build. He was last seen wearing black pants, green jacket, and a black face mask. The subjects fled in a minivan. If you have any information regarding these subjects please call the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at 212-687-0328.

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JSA fulfills its mission of informing and alerting jewelers about crime through frequent E-Mail Crime Alerts and print publications, a website, seminars and consulting activities.

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