On 12/10/22, at approximately 1:35 p.m., two subjects committed a distraction theft at a jewelry store. After going to the bridal display, the subject asked to see a particular diamond. The sales associate placed one diamond on their finger and was asked to show another piece, and forgot to lock the case. The second subject reached over the counter and opened the case, then reached in and removed three rings, and placed them in their jacket pocket. The subject who pocketed the rings then left the store while the first subject stayed behind stating he would think about the purchase. The subject then left the store as well without paying for the items. Please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org if you have any information regarding these subjects. The following subject descriptions were provided:

Subject #1 Ball cap, dark coat, grey sweater, dark shoes in his late 40’s early 50’s. 5’9”, 190 lbs. African American Male.

Subject #2 White sneakers, track pants, dark coat, and dark shirt. Late 30’s early 40’s, 6’1”, 170 lbs. African American Male.

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JSA fulfills its mission of informing and alerting jewelers about crime through frequent E-Mail Crime Alerts and print publications, a website, seminars and consulting activities.

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