On January 03, 2025, three unidentified male suspects approached and jumped the gate of the Jewelry Kiosk at the Eastridge Mall in Gastonia, NC. Once inside the kiosk, the males attempted to pull on various showcase doors without success. All three suspects were in the kiosk less than a minute before fleeing the mall. Motion Detectors alerted local police who responded to the scene. All merchandise was secure and there were no reports of theft or damage to the kiosk. A report was filed with Gastonia Police. The suspects may be tied to other store burglaries in the mall.
Suspect(s) Description:
Suspect #1 Black Male Black ski mask, black sweatshirt, and gray jeans.
Suspect #2 Black Male Black ski mask, black sweatshirt, and blue jeans.
Suspect #3 Black Male Black ski mask, red, white/black stirpes sweatshirt and black sweatpants.
If you have any information regarding this incident or information on the suspects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org or 212-687-0328.