On 8/31/21, at approximately 8:00 p.m., two subjects approached a jewelry kiosk in a mall. Subject #1 asked the team member about chains, specifically the longest and heaviest chains while subject #2 stood by. After the team member responded by saying they didn’t have any long solid ones, subject #1 asked about a 28-inch chain. The team member stated they didn’t have any, the longest was a 26-inch chain. After subject #1 indicated he wanted a rope-style chain, the team member showed him a 24-inch gold rope chain. Subject #1 then requested if he could see the chain along with a crucifix pendant. The team member indicated he could only show one at a time. Subject #1 then grabbed both pieces from the team member’s hand and ran off at approximately 8:08 pm while subject #2 followed. Tukwila PD was notified whereupon an investigation was initiated. Approximately 20 minutes later, subject #2 performed a grab and run at another jewelry located in the same mall.
The first subject is Black and possibly mixed with Hispanic. He is approximately 32-years-old and he is 5’11”. He weighs 250 pounds. He was last seen wearing a black jacket with a furry hood, a black and white shirt, and blue jeans. The second subject is Black and approximately 28-years-old. He is 6’0”, and weighs 190 lbs. He also has a mole under his right eye. He was last seen wearing a short sleeve crew shirt, shorts, and a baseball cap. He has a cursive neck tattoo on the right side of his neck. If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at 212-87-0328 or jsa2@jewelerssecurty.org.