On 8/20/21, at approximately 11:57 a.m., grab and run theft occurred at a retail jewelry store and two solitaires were stolen. The subject told the team member he wanted to upgrade his wife’s ring, as his 14th anniversary was coming up. The team member checked clienteling and found the subject’s first name as Steven. Over the course of the presentation, which lasted 13 minutes, the guest was shown the 1.97-carat solitaire, then asked to compare the 3.28-carat solitaire. He was handed both solitaires. At this point, the subject was near the gem scope and asked the team member for her loupe. He was handed the loupe. After looking at the solitaires for a moment, the subject calmly walked toward the doors with the solitaires, the loupe, and picked up his water bottle from the showcase, then exited. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was notified and is investigating. It should be noted that the subject’s clienteling info was checked by the sheriff’s deputy and found to be invalid. The subject is described as Black. He is approximately 40 years old, and 5’10″. He has a medium build, dark complexion, and he was last seen wearing a brownish tee-shirt, black shorts, and a light gray ball cap with a dark brim, and a blue surgical mask. If you have any information regarding this subject, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at 212-687-0328 or

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