On 8/22/21, at approximately 1:40 p.m., two subjects entered a jewelry store indicating they were looking for a gift for one of their girlfriends. They declined further assistance and after browsing for approximately 5 minutes they departed. At approximately 2:00 p.m., both subjects re-entered the store and subject #1 requested to see gold chains. Subject #1 looked at gold chains as they were being shown one at a time. After being shown a bracelet and a watch, he eventually decided against those, then began to view gold chains again. Subject #1 then asked to see a curb chain, which he tried on while Subject #2 maintained his position close by. Shortly after trying on the curb chain, both men fled the store with the chain in Subject #’1’s possession.

Subject #1 is believed to be 15-years-old and Black. He weighs approximately 155 lbs. and has dark brown hair and eyes. He was wearing a baggy grey hoodie sweater with black jeans. He had tennis shoes/ sneakers with many colors on them. He was also wearing a backpack. The backpack was white with dollar bills painted on it with a cartoon character head. The subject came in with his hood on and kept it on. He only took it off briefly to put the gold chain on and then kept the hood on. He is the one who fled with the gold chain.

The second subject is Black and approximately 16-years-old. He is 5’10” and weighs about 160 lbs. His eyes are dark brown. He had one visible tattoo on his left forearm. The tattoo was of a rose with writing. He was wearing a white hoodie with blue jeans and tennis shoes/ sneakers. He kept his hood on the entire time. If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at or 212-687-0328.


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