On 9/28/21, two Black males entered a jewelry store and wanted to look at gold chains. The first subject requested to look at several different gold chains. He then asked to try one on and the associate placed it around his neck. The second subject then dropped his phone on purpose and the first subject bent down to retrieve it and then quickly fled from the store with the chain still on. The second subject casually started walking away and then ran. Mall security, loss prevention, and police were notified. No associate or customer injuries were reported.

Both subjects are in their twenties. The first subject has short dreadlocks. He wore a camo windbreaker, acid wash jeans, and gold chains One of the chains had a Versace medallion. The second subject is 5’8″ and has short hair. He wore a red, white, and blue hoodie, an ornate coin, and a gold ring. If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at 212-687-0328 or

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