Married couple arrested following $800,000 jewelry store heist

Brooklyn, NY – On March 12, 2020, Patrick and Ernestine Preville were arrested and charged with grand larceny for their involvement in a brazen crime that occurred on February 23, 2020.

On February 23, Patrick entered a jewelry store in Hudson Yards, NY. Patrick is alleged to have worn a burqa or religious garb while he was in the store. As Patrick was being assisted by an associate in viewing a necklace, the associate noticed Patrick was holding onto a watch from the store.

When the clerk began questioning Patrick, Patrick brandished a spray bottle and squirted it at the associate. Patrick grabbed the necklace before running out of the store with two watches.

The jewelry was recovered at the couples home when they were arrested.

Patrick and Ernestine Preville

The image above features Patrick and Ernestine Preville, both 29.

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