New York, New York- Another small business in the neighborhood has fallen victim to theft. An Upper East Side Thrift store that sells jewelry reported the theft took place inside the store on Monday, November 27, 2023, and was caught by security cameras.
The thief appears female and is wearing a black sweater that says “Je ne sai quoi” in white lettering, with the hood pulled up under a black bucket hat, the person can clearly be seen taking items from a jewelry tray on the counter and putting them in the pocket of her sweater.
The owners told East Side Feed that the shop lifter made off with several jewelry items, all silver, including rings, earrings, and chains. The owner stated it isn’t about the money, but that he wants to send out the alert, so it doesn’t happen to other businesses. He shared that he generally doesn’t worry about shop lifting and will let those who seem in need take items that might help. The store is a non-profit, accepting item donations and sending the proceeds to children in Ukraine.
If you recognize the person in the picture below, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at 212-687-0328 or
Click here to read the original source for this crime posting.