On 9/18/23, at 12:35 p.m., a jewelry store experienced a smash and grab robbery.� Upon entry into the store via the mall entrance side, two subjects proceeded to the two cases containing gold where they began to smash into the cases with a sledgehammer.� Once access to the case was gained, both subjects began to select and conceal various gold jewelry items into a large white bucket.� These two subjects appeared to be part of a group of five that conducted a smash & grab at another jewelry store in Cabazon, CA on 9/14/23.� The subjects then exited the store and adjacent mall exit.� Mall security and the Victorville Sheriff’s Department were notified and an investigation was initiated.�
Suspect(s) Description:
Suspect #1 �” Black male, late teens/early 20’s, 5’6”, with a thin build.� He was last seen wearing a dark colored hoodie, grey pants, white or grey backpack, red gloves, and black shoes.
Suspect #2 �” Black male, late teens/early 20’s, 5’6”, with a thin build.� He was last seen wearing a black sweat shirt, dark pants, and a black & white beanie with hearts.� He also carried a white potted planter bucket.
If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org or 212-687-0328.