On 9/18/23, at 12:35 p.m., a jewelry store experienced a smash and grab robbery. Upon entry into the store via the mall entrance side, two subjects proceeded to the two cases containing gold where they began to smash into the cases with a sledgehammer. Once access to the case was gained, both subjects began to select and conceal various gold jewelry items into a large white bucket. These two subjects appeared to be part of a group of five that conducted a smash & grab at another jewelry store in Cabazon, CA on 9/14/23. The subjects then exited the store and adjacent mall exit. Mall security and the Victorville Sheriff’s Department were notified and an investigation was initiated.
Suspect(s) Description:
Suspect #1 ” Black male, late teens/early 20’s, 5’6”, with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a dark colored hoodie, grey pants, white or grey backpack, red gloves, and black shoes.
Suspect #2 ” Black male, late teens/early 20’s, 5’6”, with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a black sweat shirt, dark pants, and a black & white beanie with hearts. He also carried a white potted planter bucket.
If you have any information regarding these subjects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org or 212-687-0328.