After team members noticed that a tabletop spinner display was missing, including two full trays of gold hoops, a review of camera footage was completed. A review of footage showed that on 6/27/22 at 5:53 p.m., an unidentified male subject entered a jewelry store and looked around the store for approximately 5 minutes. Â The subject could be seen fidgeting with several locks on different cases during this time, but he did not gain access. At one point, while a team member was already engaged with one set of guests, a second group of guests came in, and immediately after that team member approaches those guests, the subject goes directly over to the gold hoop spinner.

Once at the spinner, the subject placed a large shopping bag on top of the counter to block his view. At one point, the subject is seen gaining access to the spinner, it is not known if he has a key or if he has a tool. Once he gains access to the trays, he’s observed sticking them down the front of his pants. Once in his pants, he takes a few short laps around the store and then exits. The subject was described as Black and 25-30 years old. He is 6’0″ and weighs 175lbs. He has a thin build and was last seen wearing a black hat, a white t-shirt with graphics, black pants, and sunglasses. If you have any information regarding this subject, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at .

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