Wichita, KS- Police searching for suspect in jewelry theft

Kevin Mitchell

WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) – January 18, 2024 – Kevin Mitchell, 61 years old, is wanted in a theft at a local jewelry store was all caught on camera. Police have captured one suspect, but the other is still on the run. They need the public’s help catching him.

Security cameras show a man and woman inside the jewelry store in September. While the jewelry store owner was putting something back in a case, the two quickly left. On their fingers, $18,000 worth of diamonds.

“I was so mad,” said the owner. “I couldn’t believe they did it. I’ve been doing this for 40 years. They played me good. I believed them.” She says the couple came in saying they were looking for wedding rings. “She got it on her finger and said ‘this is the one I want,'” said the owner.

She said the woman then asked if there was a man’s ring to match. Sayre showed them the matching ring with diamonds.  That’s when she says they took off. They hopped into a running car and left.

“They were seen at another jewelry store,” said Crime Stopper’s Coordinator Kris Gupilan. “So who knows what their intent was there, but we know what their intent was in this case because they left with a couple of rings. This is definitely something we need help with from the public.”

Just last week, authorities say they captured the woman. But now they are looking for 61 year-old Kevin Mitchell, the other suspect.  “He’s going to do it to other people,” said Sayre. “It affects the community. If this keeps happening there won’t be personable stores to shop at because we can’t afford it. They’re going to put us out of business.”

Click here to view video and click here to read the original source for this posting written by Deb Farris.

If you have any information regarding this suspect, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org or 212-687-0328.

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