LINCOLNWOOD, Ill- Masked burglars commit smash-and-grab at north suburban jewelry store with customers inside.

LINCOLNWOOD, Ill. — Three masked suspects smashed the front window of a north suburban jewelry store while customers were inside Saturday and stole an undisclosed amount of jewelry.

According to police, officers arrived at Baladna Jewelry in Lincolnwood, located in the 4300 block of Touhy Avenue, around 4:45 p.m. for a smash-and-grab burglary.

Police say, according to initial reports, the suspects arrived in a black pickup truck, which was observed parking in front of the store. The suspects then proceeded to smash the front windows and force their way inside, where they broke open display cases and filled bags with various pieces of jewelry.

According to police, several customers were inside the store at the time of the robbery, but no physical threats or injuries were reported. After committing the theft, the suspects fled westbound on Touhy Ave. in the black pickup truck.

Lincolnwood detectives were gathering information and evidence, including surveillance footage from nearby businesses and witness statements, after the incident.

The suspects were described as male and wearing all-black clothing, ski masks and gloves. No further details about the suspects’ identities or the stolen items were immediately available.

If you have any information regarding this incident or information on the suspects, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at or 212-687-0328.

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