YONKERS, NY– On September 03, 2024 – Two female subjects, of Eastern European descent, entered a jewelry store and requested to look at gold necklaces. Subject 1 pointed out a necklace in the showcase. The employee presented the necklace, at which time subject 1 took possession of necklace, looked at it and returned it to the team member. Additional gold chains were shown to the subjects. The employee removed the necklace tray and placed it on the top of the showcase. The two subjects continued to engage with the team member, while distracting the employee and stealing a necklace. The subjects continued to engage the employee for an additional five minutes before exiting the store. The loss was later identified while conducting merchandise counts. No injuries were reported. A report was filed with the Yonkers Police Department.
Subject Descriptions:
Suspect 1: Female, White European, 5’6”, medium build, 58 to 65 yrs, wearing a blue top, black skirt, sandals, carrying a handbag and wallet.
Suspect 2: Female, White European, 5’6”, medium build, 58 to 65 yrs, wearing a multi colors top, black shirt, sandals, carrying a handbag and large black bag.
If you have any information regarding the individuals who committed this crime, please contact the Jewelers Security Alliance at jsa2@jewelerssecurity.org or 212-687-0328.
Recommendations- Jewelers and their employees should be alert to transnational organized crime groups distraction efforts. Be alert and adhere to company policy and procedures when showing products to customers. If a concern exists, ask another employee to assist you during the interaction with customer(s). More than one employee will mitigate the success of distraction efforts by criminals.