Columbus, Ohio- GRAB AND RUN.

Columbus, OH– On January 13, 2025, at the Polaris Fashion Mall in Columbus, Ohio, a jewelery store reported a grab and run totaling $800.00. According to Management, a female walked in asking for men’s jewelry for her boyfriend then corrected herself as he was a fiancé. The suspect started to look at silver chains. Then asked how many pieces she is allowed to try on at once. She said she didn’t mind the price; as we proceeded to the register she kept asking if there any rings in size 11 for her. The associate asked to see the chain again from the suspect, she gained possession and ran out of the store with the chain. No injuries were reported.

Suspect(s) Description: Black Female; Mid 20’s; 5’7″ tall; Heavy Built; Blue Carhart hoodie with matching color boots; white beanie hat; black pants; Driving a white work van

If you have any information regarding this incident or information on this suspect, please contact the Jewelers’ Security Alliance at or 212-687-0328.

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